Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Duration: 00:10 minutes
Upload Time: 06-05-22 21:11:46
User: ealf
:::: Favorites

Useless desktop manager/motion sensor hack for MacBook Pro

discjockykid ::: Favorites
That's a cool effect but I don't think really worth it... and it's not going to screw the computer up guys, you're just TAPPING it not hitting it full force...
07-08-16 13:34:01
TheExpertDude ::: Favorites
I don't like hitting Mr Mac... which is why i use dental floss from Pig Farmer Joe. Taste just like ham, every morning! oh, and Virtual Desktop Karma. thats also good.
07-08-15 03:28:57
damiansyndrome ::: Favorites
are you all that fucking retarded? Helloooooooooooooo? do you see how light hes hitting it? theres no damage being done to the Mac.. fucking idiots.
07-08-15 00:24:58
Filipcreate ::: Favorites
Funny :)
07-08-10 04:18:39
ACECOMBUT ::: Favorites
すごい・・・ おもしろそう・・・
07-08-10 00:44:58
Saminatorger ::: Favorites
07-08-04 16:35:31
rbailey96 ::: Favorites
Your all so stupid!!! How can that damage the computer!?!?! He's barley touching it!!
07-08-03 11:57:33
AndyCR512 ::: Favorites
Is that Eclipse running on the second desktop? I can tell because of the distinctive tabs...
07-08-01 12:28:57
iCHAINSAW ::: Favorites
an abused macbook is not a happy macbook. parents; don't hit you macbooks.
07-07-27 15:41:17
enisity ::: Favorites
07-08-16 20:12:11
stargatedan ::: Favorites
haha.... the mac fan boys are intimidated by a different OS on their machines....
07-07-26 16:13:55
tripperday ::: Favorites
I doubt it's breaking anything since the force required to switch the screens is much less than what it takes for the accelerometer to think the computer is falling, so it doesn't turn off the hard drive.
07-07-26 01:25:09
vanm6n ::: Favorites
cool. like he said, if you wanna fuck ur mac up.. get linux for all that fancy stuff lol
07-07-20 14:46:57
T3R1C666 ::: Favorites
ya, this is cool, if you want to f-up your MacBook
07-07-16 03:09:00
Awilliams24 ::: Favorites
How does it work? Why do you think it miss damage your PC? xx
07-07-16 18:57:29
dobby156 ::: Favorites
your right the poor construction of the MAC book i would give the peice of shit a week, if you were to build that into a Falcon North running Ubuntu with bryl then that would be the holy grail of hacking and modding imagine the graphics
07-07-27 18:59:26
dumbasstheredneck ::: Favorites
i want one
07-07-15 22:39:09
Dotcomname3 ::: Favorites
lol...thats purty dum.. but its still cool if you would want that.. i prefer to not beat up my mac. lol
07-07-13 00:30:16
Whiteheart1204 ::: Favorites
?????? WTF?
07-07-13 00:22:57
BrainBait786 ::: Favorites
lol...nice video!
07-07-12 23:32:41

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