Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Re: Automatic Car DOORS! Uhm so Whoopee

Duration: 01:16 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-15 04:24:43
User: Talljim01
:::: Favorites

omg are you kidding me?

2DM ::: Favorites
Wow, I don't know what is wrong with these guys who comment. They are retarded. They should watch the video when you make fun of them.
07-07-18 03:19:49
Bosmob ::: Favorites
listen up talljim01 who the fuck cares what you think, it took some engineering to make those doors work, and by the way your impressions aren't funny at all and why is a 40 year watching youtube videos about automatic car doors, stop trying to act cool, dumb shit
07-07-16 19:18:19
gibbsthegunner ::: Favorites
lol, this guys funny cuse he has no life
07-07-16 18:28:38
Vortes ::: Favorites
you say who cares, well with like, 2 million views, i think alot of people care, they made automatic windows, i dont see people bitching about that when they came out, why not have automatic doors, if you have such little a life that you have to complain about a video people like, you need to get the fuck out.
07-07-16 08:56:08
ininnaig ::: Favorites
RETARD!!!!!!!! RETARD!!!!!!! RETARD!!!! Automatic retard is more like it. Can u repeat shit anymore
07-07-16 05:29:30
k0nketsu ::: Favorites
You think that's actually real people? A real one-million-plus people wouldn't care to watch. get yourself a small dynamic-IP farm and just frequent that video over and over... i think? i don't really know... nvrm. kthxbai
07-07-16 03:07:08
flyersfan97 ::: Favorites
haha and your gay video got 202 views
07-07-16 01:52:02
SoundOff819 ::: Favorites
watching this video was a bigger waste of time than the damn car doors video...thanks a lot dickweed.
07-07-16 01:22:19
fredengh ::: Favorites
army dropout. he only roots for the army because he never went to college
07-07-15 23:33:16
sskl123 ::: Favorites
Automatic doors are cool...GOSH!
07-07-15 22:48:08
szombiex ::: Favorites
you know?.. he's funny.. because he's not funny.. lol AND he is NOT 40, he's like 13.. he just has an unusual aging disorder.. do u remember that movie "jack" with robin williams? WELL he's the same..
07-07-15 21:22:38
Ruuku21 ::: Favorites
Says age 40 on his channel, artard.
07-07-15 23:31:09
davycrockett345 ::: Favorites
haha what are you like 40? taking about automatic doors on youtube, they are cool so that wh people watch it.. congrats on making your self a total retard they are doors. calm down
07-07-15 20:24:06
luckeycat ::: Favorites
u are also just jelous cause when they ome out u wont be able to afford them!!!
07-07-15 20:10:09
luckeycat ::: Favorites
ur a looser!!!
07-07-15 20:08:52
cyberlogicx ::: Favorites
Dude, do you know that you're white and like, 45 years old?
07-07-15 18:59:57
uwishuweregoodlikeme ::: Favorites
and yet you probably watched it twice lmao
07-07-15 18:40:38
thejakester1 ::: Favorites
lol lol over a million now lol lol and it`s just off the internet lol lol
07-07-15 17:58:42
projectDetention ::: Favorites
ur rediculous u dumb fuck
07-07-15 17:26:12
swizzle ::: Favorites
sorry, you fail at being funny.
07-07-15 17:20:59

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