Saturday, August 11, 2007


Duration: 323 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-01 18:19:45
User: IanCrossland
:::: Favorites

Some initial thoughts on the concept This is a link to a world map with internet distribution. It is an interesting sight representation of what is going on:

LostLikeYou ::: Favorites
just thought you'd like to know, the knights templar during the crusades formed the first corporation and they used a banking system responsible for enslaving people via loans. the same way we enslave the poor via credit cards and low paying wages.
07-05-20 19:11:05
zeptaur ::: Favorites
07-05-21 16:27:36
naveedhaq ::: Favorites
Islam is an Ideology just like capitalism and communism, but unlike them it is not man made and works effectively with human nature. The current war is not a war on individuals like bush and bin ladden, but it's a war of minds. clash of ideologies.
07-05-23 11:02:23
HarmonyInTheCommunit ::: Favorites
ism = schism
07-05-23 12:49:45
jiffy2001 ::: Favorites
Get a shirt. I know "no shirt = sexy", but bloody hell.
07-07-11 12:28:44
DblOSmith ::: Favorites
1) You're too goddamn sexy, put a shirt on 2) You're aboslutely right, Capitalism is a horrible phase. Judging your society and the state on to progress of its economics is absolutely absurd to me. ...and if I hear a politician say "run it like a business" that's grounds for automatic dismissal in my opinion.
07-07-16 01:56:39
DblOSmith ::: Favorites
I hate this long responce, but then accidentally hit back and lost all of it. I FUCKING HATE THAT!!! But I agree 100%.
07-07-16 01:59:34
urchinau ::: Favorites
I know this is an old video. But stop wearing shirts again.
07-07-22 10:35:56
MatthewLeee ::: Favorites
Capitalism= Private ownership of the means of production, and or property. Nothing more, nothing less. To say that society will evolve past capitalism is to say that private property will no longer exist. Or will be altered.
07-08-08 18:25:37
MatthewLeee ::: Favorites
Money is a standard of value, it will ALWAYS exist because VALUE exists, and because VALUE exists, people will always need a way to express this VALUE.
07-08-09 20:56:47

Connecting to Barack's campaign

Duration: 248 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-10 23:02:16
User: IanCrossland
:::: Favorites

happyseaurchin ::: Favorites
sounds like a social experiment -- i am in, and i am not even american!
07-03-12 14:41:35
tnbookgal ::: Favorites
They give it to you for stress? I'm moving to California. :-)
07-03-12 15:39:07
robrobbins ::: Favorites
If you lived in England, you would have video cameras everywhere because they have Big Brother going on there.
07-03-12 16:55:18
RiverMark ::: Favorites
I'm not talking about physical labor, but I am talking about more than sitting on your lazy ass and taking the safest, least effort, and "no skin in the game" approach. I'm talking about making a real commitment to make changes instead of your easy way out approach that accomplishes absolutely nothing other than your superficial satisfaction of gaining more subscribers that you adamantly deny caring about.
07-03-12 18:33:27
RiverMark ::: Favorites
Once again, you are at least 30 years too late with your revelation. Humanity's genius and terror has been, is, and will continue to be on the Internet through no effort, assistance, or inspiration of your own.
07-03-12 18:35:51
chrispollock ::: Favorites
ian wants to put cameras in schools with kids? does that include girls room toilet? after all, the internet demands shots of women going to the bathroom
07-03-12 22:40:55
LukeSza ::: Favorites
Okay, one question. How does it feel to be a perma-fried fucker?
07-03-12 22:45:33
liketelevisionsnow ::: Favorites
"I'm getting my medical marijuana card on Wednesday for stress."-Ian, come on. How do you expect to successfully connect with people, video or otherwise, if your less than honest? I suppose if you told me that that statement is true I'd have to accept it. Your never going to be successful over the long run if your not honest with people, whatever the subject or cause.
07-03-14 10:08:49
RiverMark ::: Favorites
::Chasing the rainbow:: Ian seems little interested in being honest, being successful in a substantive way, or connecting with people. Instead of making any effort, he is forever chasing a rainbow to feel perpetually good in the most superficial of ways. He has what he wants, right here on youtube...
07-03-14 22:14:30
Dragotto101 ::: Favorites
Maybe that will work, hard to say, I posted another comment pretty much saying the same thing on one of your later videos...sorry for that, still you scrape your bowl with a could hurt the evangelical vote..jk
07-03-19 05:56:35

Response to Harry Reid - Impeachment

Duration: 207 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-11 00:50:44
User: IanCrossland
:::: Favorites

The President must do his job or let someone else do it. Response to

Unklebillybob ::: Favorites
Harry Reid is aiding our enemies! Harry Reid is giving comfort to our enemies! Harry Reid is giving political hope to our enemies! Therefore, Sen Harry Reid should be promoted from Senator to convict. He is, a damn traitor!
07-04-30 22:38:07
davebobn ::: Favorites
Your problem is, that like all other liberals out there you can't fathom that not everyone agrees with you, buddy.
07-05-03 00:12:24
Unklebillybob ::: Favorites
Dave - I think you might be responding to the wrong post. UBB
07-05-05 03:29:28
dmgstuff ::: Favorites
what a bunch of rambling...... you do not have a clue.
07-05-06 14:57:38
07-05-11 02:37:34
aconnecte ::: Favorites
Bush should have been impeached years he is coming to the end of his term, does he really care if he loses his job? He simply wants his way...someone has got to stop this cowboy....somehow.
07-05-13 13:13:30
Wizard364 ::: Favorites
I'm with you brother. It's much bigger than just Bush. He's just a marketable front that this Corporate/Zionist cabal uses to advace their agenda of oil, war profiteering, and Israeli security. Politicians in Washington are either in on this agenda and are given huge soft money contributions to carry it out or are terrified of being castigated nightly by the corporate media if they bring up the subject of impeachment. That's the reason for the silence.
07-06-17 02:31:52
Chikko23 ::: Favorites
God bless Israel! Israel forever! Down with radical Islam and persecution!
07-07-13 10:29:01
abaxter75 ::: Favorites
Liberals start the name calling when they can't think of an intelligent response. They agree w/ free speech, if your speech reinforces their beliefs. liberals are to wrapped up in their self and intelluctualism, to make logical decisions. They have a self righteous holier than thou attitude of: "if we just give peace a chance!" !"If all human beings were able to live in peace, then we would have done it a long time ago. DUNCAN HUNTER 08
07-07-29 23:54:44
abaxter75 ::: Favorites
I checked out this kid's page. Children aren't allowed to vote because, I won't use the term ignorant, that's liberals favorite come back in an argument, children aren't as smart as adults. When this kid gets older and experiences the "REAL" world, he'll have a painful awakening in his mid to late 20s. It's going to suck to be him. He'll be voting Republican by the time he's 30.
07-07-30 00:29:44

CONTEST!!!! Slow Mo K Grind

Duration: 59 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-03 20:02:59
User: bnqt
:::: Favorites
Description: BNQT shot Joshua Smith doing a K Grind with a super fast high speed camera. Can you guess the frame rate on this clip???

smashingpoop ::: Favorites
more slowmotion
07-04-08 05:18:11
insanepants ::: Favorites
500-600 fps
07-04-20 00:05:13
bnqt ::: Favorites
Double that guess.
07-04-30 17:11:43
insanepants ::: Favorites
1000-1200 fps
07-04-30 17:52:28
BenjaminR1991 ::: Favorites
1150fps? lol sick grind anyhow
07-08-01 01:26:25
crrea ::: Favorites
what is name this song ??? pls
07-08-08 18:02:20

Lubedence - BNQT Promo

Duration: 56 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-28 14:45:57
User: bnqt
:::: Favorites
Description: This is the new movie from Pirate Movie Productions. These guys kill it on all fronts but unfortunately have no distribution in North America. Available for download soon at also watch out for a free copy of Pirate's Boardbagged.

iwanttodoit ::: Favorites
In 1997 a girl called lauren was walikng in a forest and then a she just dissapeared no one ever found her untill 2000 when a yoing girl called Mary found her body and markings on her chest saying: I wasnt pretty enough" and now you have read this she will appear in your mirror saying your not pretty enough and kill you. by the way the girl called mary died shortly after. To be saved paste this to 5 other videos. THIS TRUE.
07-05-31 23:49:21
dustmanduderad ::: Favorites
I like it!
07-06-16 04:02:55
Hieronymus7 ::: Favorites
07-08-07 10:46:06
93daniel ::: Favorites
07-08-10 05:59:30

Who I Am And What I Want

Duration: 462 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-05 08:51:30
User: georgeksts
:::: Favorites

Short animated film by David Shrigley and Chris Shepherd

louisemarycoope ::: Favorites
thank you loads for posting this xxxx
07-05-12 17:57:15
scallum ::: Favorites
top. he has a page on the bbc with a load of short animations
07-05-14 06:03:32
Kit4ever ::: Favorites
07-05-24 00:10:15
xraytwonine ::: Favorites
pete is an interesting guy, we are lucky to have known him but it will probably be unlucky of us to meet him
07-06-08 15:49:24
komponki ::: Favorites
That's such a strange video but I realy like it... It's demeaning...
07-07-16 18:10:50
MadJim16 ::: Favorites
that video rules
07-07-20 17:45:23
tomwoodifhecud ::: Favorites
Wacky and diverse in its content simple in style however I can not help but be a big fan of this film and alot of Chris Shepherd's work.
07-07-26 13:53:18
djm6402 ::: Favorites
wonderful. where has this video been all my life?
07-07-31 21:11:55
TimGalpern ::: Favorites
this guys work is sooo good, i love his blur clip aswell.
07-08-02 03:44:38
jayjay497 ::: Favorites
i saw this at nottingham castle
07-08-07 15:43:39

May 11, 2007

Duration: 592 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-11 17:31:58
User: IanCrossland
:::: Favorites


KobyBrandt ::: Favorites
Yes. If you do not (or anyone else does not) and wish to learn the essential basics and reasons for restoring the precious-metal standard to our non-backed Federal Reserve Notes (which is basically monopoly money -- known as fiat currency), see the documentary movie on my channel homepage titled: "Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve".
07-05-14 20:26:54
w0rldpeace ::: Favorites
If you say 2100 UTC though it is 2100 UTC for the entire system, right? So no matter if you're in Boston or Beijing 2100 UTC is 2100 UTC. That's what I'm looking for.
07-05-14 20:40:58
pyrrho314 ::: Favorites
yes, but let me make it simple... UTC is the main time zone, you could use any, but it's at the 0 longitude point. We could all use their time and we'd get used to when local sunrise is, imo.
07-05-14 22:33:22
numsii ::: Favorites
07-05-15 03:26:35
w0rldpeace ::: Favorites
there's still a disconnect here with me understanding this but yeah ... I think we should just have one time distinction for the entire world. so 4PM UTC would be morning someplace and afternoon another ... or whatever
07-05-15 06:53:36
CalJennings ::: Favorites
Let's start the Liberty or Death party. ;) Love, Hope, Peace, & Christ Be With You, Cal-el & Swissy
07-05-15 13:09:42
AndrewLife ::: Favorites
My Spanish lover (for real) says: Can I invite you for a glass of wine? I'm from Madrid, Spain. I want you to be part of my political party. To worship yourself is the best way to survive. My comment: I agree with the worshipping of the self, but in my terms I would call it appreciating yourself.
07-05-17 17:45:20
ssips720 ::: Favorites
worship ourselves veautiful.... ure amazing honey
07-05-20 13:02:02
grahamillionare ::: Favorites
hitlers party= based on hate ghandis party= based on love!
07-05-21 21:35:16
winnicutegirlkx ::: Favorites
hot adults on webcam in your AREA! CAMAZONCAMS dot COM
07-08-08 16:03:22

The cycle of life - 2

Duration: 480 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-22 23:52:19
User: IanCrossland
:::: Favorites

Talking about San Francisco and two dreams I had. I don't have a director's account yet on this account so I split the video in two parts.

dhRzztt ::: Favorites
Being ignorant has nothin to do with being stupid (unless you're Webster}. It has to do with ignoring an inner truth about yourself due to outside and then progressively ultimatly inside influences. Evolution should correct that.
07-02-28 12:21:22
dhRzztt ::: Favorites
The "lesser angels" of Lincolns nature believed in slavery too. He basically admitted that, using those very words. He simply acted out of his intellegence rather than his ignorance. Politically that's called a "risk" unfortunatly.
07-02-28 12:39:56
DennisTofuPupKucinic ::: Favorites
Not sure I follow what you're saying there.
07-03-01 00:37:19
DennisTofuPupKucinic ::: Favorites
If one is admittedly ignorant, then they are educable, yes? I don't follow what you're saying in that second sentence, it's not very clear. Moral truths are true, regardless of location, whether that truth is present in your mind, or absent from your mind.
07-03-01 00:40:25
DennisTofuPupKucinic ::: Favorites
As Lincoln argued, the American republic did not begin with the Constitution; it began with that "proposition," as he called it, the first principle that "all men are created equal."
07-03-01 00:50:39
D4Shawn ::: Favorites
Good video!
07-03-03 00:05:34
larkydozer ::: Favorites
Well said.
07-03-07 00:14:36
kire32 ::: Favorites
you're a deep person
07-03-23 02:49:02
Icedustfairyz ::: Favorites
I think it is a reflection of your life on youtube. There are alot of people that make fun of you for being open. And I feel the same way you do about not being accepted. I have not had a friend for YEARS and it has contributed to my physical health problems. Maybe that is why you felt drugged, maybe it's a way for your body to tell you that you are not doing well physically.
07-03-29 12:06:01
dasevergnini ::: Favorites
if i was at a party and some random guy came stumbling down the hall looking stoned and claiming he'd been drugged, I would just think hes some alchoholic.
07-05-13 18:50:52

Technology and evolution

Duration: 313 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-08 23:07:28
User: IanCrossland
:::: Favorites

I see how they are related

Baskabirarzunusvarmi ::: Favorites
If they were lucky, yes than they are making webcams. I did appreciate your answer, you seem to have your heart in the right place.
07-03-11 11:56:19
Sammy0414 ::: Favorites
The Violence is because we americans are there.
07-03-11 12:36:18
boylebongo ::: Favorites
what? you're a moron. life isn't here to amuse you. some people need to communicate with others and have intellectual discussions, because that is what fuels the future. Why don't you just go sit on the couch and not matter? Stupid.
07-03-11 13:07:25
boylebongo ::: Favorites
Hm. I'm not sure if killing or not killing a cockroach matters. I think lower beings like that do not have an advanced consciousness like us and higher animals. Forms of consciousness have evolved just as physical bodies have evolved. I think there is a reason that we exist, we are a means to an end and we are getting close. Us, the mind.
07-03-11 13:08:42
o0UniqueJay0o ::: Favorites
I highly disagree with you when you talk about violence... Unless you live in a would know that there is a war going on in iraq and that china has weapons of mass destuction and people are dieing everyday from gang violence
07-03-11 23:57:35
acidhed66 ::: Favorites
this guy escaped from the future he is wanted for destroying it by plagueing mankind with stupidity
07-03-12 06:51:29
mf103 ::: Favorites
Shit - Read up on evolution!
07-03-20 20:56:49
ShadowHawk776 ::: Favorites
IanCrossland for president!!!
07-04-13 23:17:52
Zoeler ::: Favorites
how many time zones are in the Soviet Union
07-05-15 20:21:45
rosskstar ::: Favorites
you just described Matrix
07-07-22 11:36:05

I was attacked by my grandfather as a child

Duration: 255 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-29 21:18:05
User: IanCrossland
:::: Favorites

This was burried until a couple nights ago when Max and I were talking. It had surfaced a few times thoughout my life; I realize the implications more now. Also a bit about the troops in Iraq.

tinosvblog ::: Favorites
exactly i woudlnt kill him but cut his eggs, and right now i have a bad reputation because of user named digger who is telling shit about me (and the story was totally differrent with a mature woman)anyway, I am glad to see you ok, you really seem to me to worked those bad feelings out and to continue with your life. :-)
07-05-28 18:40:14
mcid2001 ::: Favorites
07-06-09 21:42:49
MindReaper91 ::: Favorites
you are the dumbass person on youtube
07-06-13 05:39:57
highschoolmusicgal ::: Favorites
wat the hell is in the backgroung moving??????
07-06-22 17:37:20
JimiHendrix574 ::: Favorites
hahaha. Cracks me up man. Why do you post stuff like this on youtube. Is it therapy or somthing for you?
07-06-25 11:37:45
wvlngth36 ::: Favorites
07-06-26 12:49:11
lilmrdude ::: Favorites
umm are you high in most of these vids ( im not trying to be mean) im just wondering lol
07-06-27 05:51:43
ham411 ::: Favorites
yeh i noticed too. its someone on either a sofa or bed
07-07-03 10:16:11
CORP7USA7IS7BK ::: Favorites
you are a dumbass. you better go get yourself a good fire arm and plenty of shells for the up coming civil riot number 2 that is on its way to america because of stupid fucks like you that yak about stupid shit that got the fucking nation in the bullshit condition it is in.
07-07-30 05:43:51
CORP7USA7IS7BK ::: Favorites
your fear comes from being a pussy. Died when you were five, dont remember what he looks like , and youre scared. I like people to touch me so I can tell them to get their dirty paws off of me. except for women. But that probably wont happen to you anytime soon. leave the perscription drugs alone.
07-07-30 05:49:15

Response to Jean Pierre about chaos and peace

Duration: 368 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-30 16:41:23
User: IanCrossland
:::: Favorites

We have much to discuss

pecadosecreto ::: Favorites
I understand that and I knew that at the time that I first commented, but it doesn't matter.
07-04-09 14:23:11
dzhiberish ::: Favorites
ur talking about pragmatism...
07-04-09 20:31:37
bodhinature ::: Favorites
Dude, Anthropologists. "Anthro" is pertaining to humankind. "Philo" is love. Philanthropy is the love of humankind.
07-04-19 19:21:52
666harry666 ::: Favorites
ian! do you smoke weed? im just interested... because im like you in a way, i just find it more easy to think lik ethis when under the influeance of weed. thanks you. please write back. _Harry
07-04-25 02:24:06
bijosn ::: Favorites
your thinking may be reasonable to a certain extent but the underlying facts and axioms that you posit on which your reasoning is based is either superficial or non-existent.
07-05-01 03:55:11
dasevergnini ::: Favorites
are you joking? you've hit rock bottom and gone below "disrupting the chaos by moving from a chair to a stand" ??? You're a fucking idiot.
07-05-12 18:56:30
mmianix ::: Favorites
philanthropists usually are those who donate money to charitable causes.
07-06-03 23:24:27
mmianix ::: Favorites
What you say about men and women is simply untrue. It's a ridiculous distinction to make, moreover. I expected more universalism from you.
07-06-03 23:28:05
TimJetlag ::: Favorites
choas is the opposite of order. The presence of order (in whatever way you interpret this concept) does not rule out the presence of peace at all, so I don't see any relation between these concepts. Look at nazi Germany: plenty of order already.....
07-06-24 07:42:45
kxmode ::: Favorites
Chaos is the pain that you are aware of. Peace is pain that you are unaware of. Chaos and peace are polar opposites. They cannot exist in the same space and time. However you can have an absence of chaos and peace... that's called euphoria. Taken from Wikipedia, euphoria is "not fearing death nor caring about it." So beyond peace and beyond chaos you have euphoria. And that is the key.
07-07-19 05:09:54

Bridge Day '05 - BNQT Promo

Duration: 45 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-18 15:22:17
User: bnqt
:::: Favorites
Description: Triax productions brings you the very best in base jumping!

miketimstubbs ::: Favorites
o snap u looked scared as tits right before u jumped good thing u didint die
07-04-26 20:11:10

Welcome to BNQT BIATCH!!

Duration: 53 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-28 14:38:58
User: bnqt
:::: Favorites
Description: Banquet's community director Ice gives you the low down on what is all about.

kylerefusedtv ::: Favorites
wha' he say? ? ?
07-04-03 21:30:28

Chaos Hot Dogs on Wheels

Duration: 232 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-13 17:10:40
User: jayare210
:::: Favorites

Featuring Cody McEntire, Derek Fukuhara, Torey Pudwill, Corey Duffel, Kevin Romar, Aaron Snyder, Luis Toletino, Felix Arguelles, Kurtis Colamonico, Ben Cabreana, Josh Hawkins, Nick Fiorini, Bryce Golder, Nestor Judkins, Flo Marfaing, Henning Braaten, Chris Pfanner, Micah Hollinger, Steve Fauser, Dennis Durrant, and Tommy Sandoval.

ilovesmh66 ::: Favorites
woooooah siiick. where/what is this from?
07-07-18 18:25:20
raptoric ::: Favorites
sandoval ftw
07-07-20 10:03:14
ArcadianWarrior ::: Favorites
Cody Mcentire, representing Austin :) I saw him Nollie Big Heel that double set in the Transworld am issue.
07-07-21 19:32:11
timothysoeung ::: Favorites
Fucking tight
07-07-22 11:43:29
pavement05 ::: Favorites
luis killing it!
07-07-23 16:51:23
correthtapie ::: Favorites
Hey guys! Cody Sickentire! Am I right?!
07-07-26 15:18:21
fallenbullseye ::: Favorites
07-07-28 13:07:39
sk81life ::: Favorites
Damn Romar Kills
07-07-29 19:44:26
Skittl3scuh ::: Favorites
True..Nolie big heelz and steezy.
07-07-29 19:45:23
youngemerican22 ::: Favorites
switch f/s heel..CLEAN
07-08-01 12:16:04

Hello Casey

Duration: 150 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-12 21:49:15
User: IanCrossland
:::: Favorites

hey man it is good to hear from you. Response to

Michelle5451 ::: Favorites
Ahahahaha I'd forgotten all about that amazing idea!
07-06-13 19:42:58
Michelle5451 ::: Favorites
lmao again with the cookies! I had one today.
07-06-13 19:43:23
RiverMark ::: Favorites
And that sums up our situation here. Despite his claims to the contrary he is violently opposed to taking anything from this experience. In addition to his other addictions, he is addicted to posting videos and anything and anyone, including family and (former) lovers who get in the way are relegated to "distraction status." I'm thinking it's time for an intervention. Luckily, Ian doesn't read the comments so he won't know this is coming...
07-06-13 21:33:17
snouter ::: Favorites
What a disappointment. I thought this might have been one of those live phone call things. Rationalizing the wrestling mask as fear would be incorrect.
07-06-14 00:02:47
Cainchild ::: Favorites
Lol, you noticed that too. I didnt realize how big Casey Nunez is.
07-06-14 06:35:07
dasevergnini ::: Favorites
ok... youtube is made for people who want to post there content online... if you want to talk to your friends, a) get some, b) use stickam. idiot.
07-06-14 11:44:54
amnesiablonde ::: Favorites
Did he not see caseys video where he trashed him and zipster calling them gay lovers? Have you noticed the second anyone well known pays any attention to casey he's on them like stink on shit? He can't chew the worm that's getting dangled anyway LOL
07-06-16 23:32:53
KatyMayBate ::: Favorites
I did notice his pupils to be dilated- but blue eyes do that, in the light- this is his first vid, I've watched- but his skin looks way to clear, for him to be on hard drugs- he is simply addicted to YouTube, I would think...
07-07-05 23:49:26
KatyMayBate ::: Favorites
Hi Ian- you seem like a really cool guy- I have alot of knowledge about Halfway houses. we run a nom-profit, for homeless people-
07-07-05 23:50:36
brandonkirk ::: Favorites
Call Ian at Ian Crossland (323) 668-0087 Los Angeles, CA 90029. Found his number on google. Just spoke with his roommate Dominic who said it was fine for people to call. Cool guys.
07-07-19 11:39:43

Walker Project Factory Tour

Duration: 429 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-28 14:26:59
User: bnqt
:::: Favorites
Description: Mike Walker takes you on a tour of his Southern California factory and headquarters for an inside look at how he keeps coming out with the sickest boards around.

Trick Tip - Pole Jam

Duration: 187 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-28 16:11:20
User: bnqt
:::: Favorites
Description: Over here at Banquet, we've seen more than a couple strippers... but nobody can work a pole like Vincent Peinado. Joshua Smith hooks up the video.

andyrooo26 ::: Favorites
cool trick tip. pole jams are sick. whats the song
07-04-11 16:36:16
Dmicik ::: Favorites
07-05-13 20:26:37
geoblankman ::: Favorites
dude ive been looking for this song for a long ass time whats it called??????
07-06-27 01:31:51
geoblankman ::: Favorites
07-07-01 03:07:38
666henk666 ::: Favorites
i landed this shit today.. firts day i tryed it it easy.. just need speed and guts the pole was just like any but with a metal ball on the top that was twice as fat as the rail.. so that was a bit enoiing
07-07-07 12:27:31