Sunday, December 9, 2007

happy birthday bryan ;]

Duration: 02:16 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-28 22:01:11
User: xlilpinaybaby
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happy  birthday  you're  the  coolest  pnoy  mode  rocks  


love you brother!


OMGpinay3 ::: Favorites  2007-09-29 01:57:01

happy birthday brian!!!!! ur turning into a man geez, stop growing!!!! Love you, nice vid kirstie!!!!
xlilpinaybaby ::: Favorites  2007-10-03 19:36:17

haha stop growing? lol sha, you're a dork haha
Sheryl510 ::: Favorites  2007-11-20 15:07:54

wooooooooo byan this is me ariel

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Naruto Movie 2 Fight Scene Sakura & Shikimaru

Duration: 03:53 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-28 18:58:17
User: videogamer619
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Naruto  Movie  Fight  Scenes  Sakura  Shikimaru  anime  animation  rpg  shinobi  stone  gele  


This Video has a clip scene of sakura and shikimaru fighting even though sakuras fight is boring (it really is) But kanko and shikimaru kick ass enjoy guys


x3xROCKERKIDx3x ::: Favorites  2007-07-06 22:27:58

this was aswome
fuun123 ::: Favorites  2007-07-19 22:50:01

sakura rocks and her fight is awsome
Akitasrule1 ::: Favorites  2007-07-24 15:10:25

Sakura's fight was wicked!
Edea001 ::: Favorites  2007-07-29 08:48:46

nope, not good, the animation was awsome but they need more creativiti in the fights, there are better fights in the anime than in the movies.
sistersister25 ::: Favorites  2007-07-31 09:20:29

garrasninja ::: Favorites  2007-08-04 12:53:40

damnit!!! well atleast sakura got hit in the head twice thats enough to make me happy
hunterzonexxx ::: Favorites  2007-09-06 21:24:29

that's shikamaru for you
TrinityMonkey ::: Favorites  2007-09-22 00:13:17

thats the first time i've heard any character on Naruto use a Spanish word
wisemage0 ::: Favorites  2007-09-28 07:12:40

lols but wouldnt one expoding flier cause a chain reaction since theyre so close together?
arthas232 ::: Favorites  2007-10-12 10:10:41

where did u get ur shikimaru clips from?
grandtheftROCKZ ::: Favorites  2007-11-25 19:09:21

there are betetr fights in anime because they followed the manga

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Duration: 00:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-13 05:49:46
User: backinblonde
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christina  aguilera  back  basics  place  vancouver  dirrty  


Christina Aguilera performing at GM Place in Vancouver. Definitely the most popular song besides the encores. The crowd went CRAZYYY when it came on! And Christina was riding a freakin' pony the whole time - so amazing.


blurry69 ::: Favorites  2007-03-13 22:47:59

OMG! I was there too! Everyone just went nuts when this song came on!! It was SUCH a blast!
leander1991 ::: Favorites  2007-05-26 12:38:40

wow! everyone sings with her! cool

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United Kingdom 2000



Duration: 02:05 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-03 14:45:15
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magnetismo  electricidad  


Al igual que una corriente crea un campo magnético, un campo magnético puede crear una corriente eléctrica. Esto es una consecuencia del principió de conservación de la energía: Un sistema tiende a mantener su energía constante. Ley de Lenz: "Cuando varía el flujo magnético que atraviesa una bobina, esta reacciona de tal manera que se opone a la causa que produjo la variación" Es decir, si el flujo aumenta, la bobina lo disminuirá; si disminuye lo aumentará. Para conseguir estos efectos, tendrá que generar corrientes que, a su vez, creen flujo que se oponga a la variación. Se dice que en la bobina ha aparecido una CORRIENTE INDUCIDA, y, por lo tanto, UNA FUERZA ELECTROMOTRIZ INDUCIDA. LEY DE FARADAY.- La Ley de Lenz sólamente habla de la forma en que se comporta la bobina pero no dice nada acerca de la magnitud de la corriente o de la fuerza electromotriz inducida. Faraday llegó a la conclusión que esta (la fuerza electromotriz E) vale: E = -n Dt/Df siendo: E: f.e.m. inducida n: número de espiras de la bobina Df: Variación del flujo Dt: Tiempo en que se produce la variación de flujo El signo menos (-) indica que se opone a la causa que lo produjo (Ley de Lenz) Por ejemplo: Si el flujo que atraviesa una bobina de 5 espiras aumenta de 10 a 11 Webbers en una décima de segundo, la f.e.m. inducida vale: E = 5 11 - 10/0,1 = 5 x 10 = 50 V.


dugonio ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 07:14:13

Muy buen experimento,gracias por la idea, lo voy probar.
OLHUNTER ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 13:52:21

Me parece bien, esa es una de las finalidades, ¿me podrías comentar después como te fue y sugerencias para mejorarlo?
juancho9009 ::: Favorites  2007-11-18 18:20:06

Muy bueno
miboro007 ::: Favorites  2007-11-19 20:58:46

alizeld ::: Favorites  2007-11-22 00:02:58

Hola que tal, tu experimento me parece muy bueno a mi me facina la fisica y otras ciencias me gustaria como podrias hacer que en ves de utilizar tus manos como energia mecanica se produjera algun dispositivo o algn medio alternativo para producir esa energia mecanica retroalimentativa
OLHUNTER ::: Favorites  2007-11-22 00:17:04

Esa seria la conclusión del experimento, agregarle en la parte superior un electroimán que al invertir la polaridad atraiga y repela a imán del centro y se genere por si sola un movimiento de este y genere el movimiento suficiente para que fluctué el campo magnético y produzca corriente inducida en el circuito de la bobina central, por falta de tiempo no lo he podido terminar si, lo logro pronto subiré.
alizeld ::: Favorites  2007-11-22 14:07:49

muchas graciaspor responder estare al pendiente de tus experimentos
SPARTANBMW ::: Favorites  2007-11-23 00:05:41

SPARTANBMW ::: Favorites  2007-11-23 00:06:37

digo perrisimo
Galvinight ::: Favorites  2007-11-23 21:02:51

no me queda muy claro el tema del centro, es un hierro rodeado de cobre y las punta del bobina se suelda el led o como es??
OLHUNTER ::: Favorites  2007-11-25 01:11:49

Es un núcleo (centro) de hierro dulce para intensificar el campo magnético de la bobina y enrollada alrededor de este, alambre de cobre con un determinado numero de vueltas en un sentido y en el otro para lograr que prenda el led al subir y bajar el imán redondo ......sigue
OLHUNTER ::: Favorites  2007-11-25 01:15:45 bocina, de otro modo únicamente lo hace al subir o bajar y soldado al inicio del alambre y al final las terminales de un foco led para cerrar el circuito y hacer posible la inducción de ambos campos. ( el del imán y el del embobinado)
alejo147852 ::: Favorites  2007-12-01 23:14:45

Lo segundo es que dado que el flujo de líneas de campo cambian con el tiempo en el embobinado (movemos el imán), se induce un campo eléctrico y este a su vez una diferencia de potencial que es responsable de que los electrones se muevan por el diodo y éste último prenda: no existe tal cosa como que los campo se choquen.
alejo147852 ::: Favorites  2007-12-01 23:17:27

Lo primero es que no hay fuerzas negativas o positivas: los campos magnéticos son producido spor carga en movimiento corrientes: corrientes paralelas se atraen y corrientes antiparaleas se repelen. Por de más es un muy buen experimento

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Yaprak Dökümü 52.Blm Part 8 []

Duration: 08:00 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-05 16:45:13
User: esenlertube
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Yaprak Dökümü 52.Blm Part 8 []


ftepecik ::: Favorites  2007-12-06 07:23:06

burda çalan ilk müziği nerde bulurum nolur yaa...
Sarkislalim58 ::: Favorites  2007-12-07 18:46:41

internette bulabilirsin :-)

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Duration: 03:15 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-10 10:11:39
User: turtalfishpaul
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Harry  Potter  order  the  Phoenix  daniel  Radcliffe  movie  opinion  emma  watson  rupert  grint  david  yates  paul  leslie  


i saw the harry potter 2 days before it was released, and i give my opinion on it!


shammaj ::: Favorites  2007-07-10 18:53:10

WEIRDO!!! dude ur opinion sucks... i am in the production myself i will be playing the part of clarisa riddle in the 7th movie..and u know what ur explaining sucks arse big time..1st and formost the book holds lots of narration something the movie does not and never will cuz thats just a slap 4 all the actors in the movie...and if you take the narration out its like taking 400 pages off.and considering that thier doing a heck of job...
SomeAustralian ::: Favorites  2007-07-11 10:11:16

Yeah ... YOU SUCK!!! lol Yates asked the production company initially if he could cut the film into two parts, however he got laughed at by the big cats (not economically viable, they think). I loved the movie. I thought it was definitly the best one yet. I can't wait till the final comes out ... just sitting there and watching all 7 movies straight through ... seeing the characters progress and get older. :D
cripwalka ::: Favorites  2007-07-12 02:19:04

dude if you saw the movie and didnt read the book yet then read the book you would of said the book sucked get over yourself penis fucker!!
bob8878 ::: Favorites  2007-07-12 11:19:33

0wnag4 ::: Favorites  2007-07-21 06:46:28

Dude, Your right movie sucked.

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matthew being a tard

Duration: 00:27 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-02 01:19:50
User: xoxorenaa
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matthew being a tard


lilypengification ::: Favorites  2007-01-03 02:27:41

haha rena i filed this video on ur camera, thanx to me ! *tongue*
ohmickyy ::: Favorites  2007-08-02 23:26:42

lmfao my work ;)

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aci hayat 48 bolum fragmani

Duration: 02:19 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-30 15:57:40
User: kosovaliburhan
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kenan  imirzalioglu  


nermin mehmet geri barisir


kosovaliburhan ::: Favorites  2007-03-30 16:07:48

bence ruya goruyo yaa
aliercani ::: Favorites  2007-03-31 10:30:04

aysecim ::: Favorites  2007-03-31 16:23:44

Despucio ::: Favorites  2007-03-31 16:25:00

Fatihisme ::: Favorites  2007-03-31 21:08:16

bence de
sooso93 ::: Favorites  2007-04-01 11:49:50

bencede ozaman
telsimavea ::: Favorites  2007-04-01 12:44:31

ozaman bencede

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$100 Challenge!

Duration: 02:20 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-08 10:50:30
User: Rosedawn
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amelia  money  politics  life  love  fun  happy  crazy  


I'm still alive, and now I give to you the $100 challenge!!! The challenge is to find the federal law that makes it Mandatory for you to pay Federal Income Taxes! Send me a link to the actuall law please so I can review it! Happy Hunting! For the Supreme Court's definition of "income" please read Go To WOOT


GTOJudge68 ::: Favorites  2007-11-08 12:23:54

16th Amendment to the Constitution ratified on February 3, 1913: The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."
Rosedawn ::: Favorites  2007-11-08 13:08:59

The Sixteenth Amendment simply does not authorize the Congress to tax as "incomes" every sort of revenue a taxpayer may receive. As the Supreme Court noted long ago, the "Congress cannot make a thing income which is not so in fact."...
Rosedawn ::: Favorites  2007-11-08 13:14:32

The Pollock ruling made the source of the income (e.g., property versus labor, etc.) relevant in determining whether the tax imposed on that income was deemed to be "direct" (and thus required to be apportioned among the states according to population) or, alternatively, "indirect" (and thus required only to be imposed with geographical uniformity).
Rosedawn ::: Favorites  2007-11-08 13:15:12

The Congress was unwilling to impose an income tax on labor and other non-property sources without also imposing a tax on income from property -- and taxes on income from property were no longer realistic.
Rosedawn ::: Favorites  2007-11-08 13:41:08

sorry if there was a misunderstanding there GTO, I put the link to the Supreme Court's definition of "income" on the side bar ^^
GTOJudge68 ::: Favorites  2007-11-08 14:21:49

My bad...I didn't read the side. Anyway, if you want the specific law, you won't find one per say unless you go through the tax code. Go to uscode dot house dot gov It should be under Title 26 Chapter 40. When congress approves a new tax code they are in effect passing a law.
Rosedawn ::: Favorites  2007-11-08 14:47:52

It would be in thier interest if they did, cause so far the tax code states "Voluntary Compliance" lol
N0diggityN0doubt ::: Favorites  2007-11-08 23:06:04

yeah, gto needs to read more. its not income. its wages for services rendered. and its voluntary compliance.
grdgome ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 20:39:35

I'm not convinced that you are alive. There is only one way to prove that you are indeed alive. Make a video of yourself reading a book while brushing your hair. Yawn and then turn the page in the book. Then look up into the camera and say the following: "Oh my, I didn't notice you there. You know, its such a beautiful day in Amelia's neighborhood."
Rosedawn ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 21:33:20

LMFAO I'm SO going to do that for you
Rosedawn ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 21:36:22

ugh, so never wearing that shade of lipstick ever again
Robo1415 ::: Favorites  2007-11-10 03:07:05

You are obviosly a smart person to support Ron Paul...too bad there aren't more us.The GOP is going to nominate another jackass....
hankpyro ::: Favorites  2007-11-10 10:17:59

Can we see more of the tabby cat?
Rosedawn ::: Favorites  2007-11-11 12:32:20

I'm sure Rusty the cat will try to squeeze into more vids lol he's such a camera hog
ThompsonSeedless ::: Favorites  2007-11-13 04:04:30

BA in science sounds especially empty after hanging out with cocky masters students

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