Tuesday, August 28, 2007

cudi dagi

Duration: 06:18 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-26 05:27:02
User: mentortr
:::: Favorites

Hz. Nuhun gemisi nereye indi? Mounth Beatiful girl Heyecanli sevgili hasret yoldan

Morality and Ethics, 2 questions for YOU!

Duration: 06:57 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-25 18:22:13
User: g0at
:::: Favorites

Thanks for watching! Is Morality subjective because it is optional? Does preffered behavior exist?

BarnieGoogle ::: Favorites
I'm actually taking a course on Religious Ethics, now let's see if I can put what I've learned to use... Determining right from wrong is a normative way of approaching morality and ranges on a rough scale from deontologicalism to consequentialism. So from complete absolutes to complete subjectivity is where these right/wrong decisions are based and for the person on the deontological extreme, I would argue that morality isn't even subjective for them but still necessary, not optional.
07-03-27 01:11:54
g0at ::: Favorites
optional as , you can chose to murder or not.
07-03-27 02:52:33
BarnieGoogle ::: Favorites
Well the correct choice still wouldn't be optional for them because in no case would they think it's right to murder. And this is where the controversy with capital punishment starts.
07-03-27 09:09:36
g0at ::: Favorites
oh, so you would agree with Kant with the statement: " Sometimes holding to a moral theory is more important than causing less harm" . For instance would you agree with this statement : " Using Condoms is morally wrong. So, Preaching to an aids ridden afrikan population to NOT use condoms is morally right, even though the end result is an INCREASE in deaths due to the spread of HIV"... i don't claim that you believe that condoms are wrong, but do you see what I am getting at?
07-03-27 03:02:32
BarnieGoogle ::: Favorites
I don't look at morals as absolutes, so no, I don't agree with Kant's view of it. Personally, I derive most of my morals from the congregation I attend and they are further influenced by society. I do understand that example, but even then there are different factors for which I think you can make a good moral argument against the absolute position and be correct in doing so. I don't agree with the absolute position because there's no action of judgement and weighing consequences.
07-03-27 09:10:29
cmprewitt ::: Favorites
If morality is prefered behavior then is it ok for the majority to impose their prefered behavior on the minority that prefer to steel and murder? What about issues that aren't black and white, how do we decide what is moral and what isn't? Is a majority vs minority issue? I look forward to your follow up video.
07-03-26 17:38:25
KasparHauser4 ::: Favorites
Morality is a set of rules to follow by the weaker. Written by the stronger.
07-03-26 05:47:50
Mjhavok ::: Favorites
Some philosophers subscribe to moral realism which says that statements aren't just artefacts of the brain but in fact moral statements are part of the universe but you can't touch or see them, they are in a sort of platonic universe. The same as mathematical realism. They are really true, independent of our existence. It may be that they someone exist in the universe but only are only shown when a social species evolves. For instance all moral systems have a version of the golden rule.
07-03-25 23:02:06
Mjhavok ::: Favorites
If morality is just a figment of the brain. It is one that evolved in response to a real fact about the universe. In social species when people interact not all codes of behaviour lead to outcomes everyone wants. So there is a kind of logic to morality that benefits people who simultaneously adopt it compared to those who obdurate it.
07-03-25 22:52:24

Grande Fratello 7 (prima puntata)-part 3

Duration: 10:37 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-12 13:29:54
User: tomasgaru
:::: Favorites

18 gennaio 2007

[Qui Milano Libera] Emilio Fede

Duration: 05:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-27 22:15:15
User: fenegor
:::: Favorites

Un particolare incontro con Emilio Fede. www.quimilanolibera.net

maxyeah ::: Favorites
Non ho parole...fede sarà anche un lecchino...ma chi gli pone le domande è ancora peggio, perchè con l'arroganza non si va da nessuna parte. Che schifo
07-08-27 19:25:35
Oneshootonekill ::: Favorites
Piero ringrazia che non possono alzare le mani tu saresti uno che va all' ospedale!
07-08-27 16:34:05
carlotimo ::: Favorites
piero hai veramente le palle sei quello che tutti noi vorremmo essere ma non lo siamo hai tutto l'appoggio dei cittadini onesti stufi di questo cesso di politiva e malaffare che ci circonda
07-08-27 15:05:03
barbone88 ::: Favorites
è grazie anke a emilio ke ci prendono tutti x il culo!!una delle tante vergogne dell italia!!
07-08-26 17:05:32
Oneshootonekill ::: Favorites
Vergogna comunisti anarchici buffoni !
07-08-25 13:52:50
carlotimo ::: Favorites
e voi cosa sareste i paladini della liberta' o delle bugie noi comunisti voi fascisti o democristiani tanto voi avete costruito un paese di cartapesta e prima o poi verra cancellato per ridare un paese vero e no di pagliacci
07-08-27 15:02:26
temistocle77 ::: Favorites
Piero Ricca un mito!!!
07-08-23 20:34:00
Khamahel ::: Favorites
Fede mi sta sui coglioni in una maniera assurda..ma in questo caso Ricca si è comportato al suo livello. Sarebbe stato molto piu incisivo lasciando stare "Viagra", sceneggiate napoletane o l'accento siciliano. L'apoteosi di definire i votanti di centro-destra "platea meno evoluta" mi ha fatto ricredere: mi dispiace Ricca, sei un bambino che urla e strepita travolto dalle passioni. Abbassarti al loro livello ti fa perdere ogni credibilità.
07-08-23 15:12:58
Ghibarian ::: Favorites
a mio parere hai frainteso, con "platea meno evoluta" non intendeva gli elettori di centro-destra ma i telespettatori di Fede, le due cose non coincidono, ne converrai anche tu.
07-08-27 12:50:34
Jhodete ::: Favorites
Il rispetto ci deve essere da entrambe le parti. La domanda provocatoria non è irrispettosa, la risposta "i soliti imbecilli" credo proprio di sì. Fede deve anche capire di essere un personaggio dello "spettacolo" e i famosi hanno gli ammiratori e non. Ecco perchè quando hai certe responsabilità (Tg) non puoi fare lo spettacolino del varietà. Giornalismo e varietà a braccetto stanno facendo disastri in questo paese...
07-08-23 09:18:45
pentaxoptioe30 ::: Favorites
Emilio ti cola il fondo tinta!ahahuahaha
07-08-22 11:55:59
tozzo1984 ::: Favorites
Ma perchè fede è un giornalista??A me Ricca sinceramente non piace, non mi piacciono i provocatori a questo livello.Però ha il merito di aver detto la verità questo si.
07-08-21 17:16:14
Paaulll1977 ::: Favorites
Per piero ricca: Molte cose in italia funzionano così, chi pesta i piedi ad una o più persone influenti capita che viene messo a tacere con un contentino. Piero sappi che da noi sei reputato come un uomo libero e che non ha paura di dire quello che pensa a voce alta. Se ti fai corrompere vengo a milano e ti sputo in faccia. Continuate così raga !!!
07-08-20 15:28:35
Paaulll1977 ::: Favorites
luponero ti rammento che stava ponendo le domande ad uno che come è noto fa propaganda per un famoso partito nel suo tg nazionale.
07-08-20 15:23:55
ouralphe ::: Favorites
fantastico 'sto video! Devo vederlo almeno una volta al giorno! "Meteorine e dignità! Meteorine e dignità!E un po' di Viagra!" Geniale Piero Ricca!
07-08-20 14:07:16
ouralphe ::: Favorites
ma avete visto la fidanzata di fede che capelli? Muahahahahahah!
07-08-20 14:03:34
xenolatino ::: Favorites
Fede se dovessi naufragare con te su di un'isola, ti sviterei la testa e ti strapperei i coglioni dal collo!
07-08-19 16:44:37
vombato ::: Favorites
Che meraviglia sentire qualcuno che parla chiaro in Italia ! Piero Bellentani Cineasta
07-08-18 11:22:42
icfud ::: Favorites
ma chi sono i coglioni sbirri che lo paraculano...bravi!!!la polizia ITALIANA....grazie e io pago...
07-08-18 03:42:52
northmars ::: Favorites
Il tipo che accompagna Umilio Fede è Leo Peschiera. Un vero e proprio gangster... Night clubs, strozzinaggio... Umilio Fede si contorna sempre di bella gente.
07-08-16 14:52:12

GH2007 Famosos | Show de penales

Duration: 02:34 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-29 22:44:55
:::: Favorites

gh5.digiloc.com.ar Semana Nº 3: Hernán, Nino y Pablo juegan a los penales cuando un pelotazo pega en una repisa con copas de vidrio justo que Cintia pasaba cerca.

nicocabj12 ::: Favorites
07-08-02 00:28:50

Urfa polisi hirsizlara göz açtırmıyor

Duration: 04:06 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-11 05:34:43
User: mentortr
:::: Favorites

urfa da yakalanan hirsizlar

Un due tre...stalla 20/03/07 -part 12

Duration: 10:56 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-10 04:23:29
User: tomasgaru
:::: Favorites

prima serata

Dj Jaze - Imagination

Duration: 02:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-02 11:06:48
User: iisbob
:::: Favorites

at amy`s

TaYloR360 ::: Favorites
i like the tune but the camera man isnt so good, :P keep it up man and try send it me
07-06-02 18:39:02

Mehmet Ağar Şanlıurfa da

Duration: 00:33 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-24 12:17:59
User: mentortr
:::: Favorites

urfa da mehmet ağar

rizaiyeliboys ::: Favorites
§§§§§§________§§§§§§§§§ §§§§§§§§§_____§§§___§§§ §§§___§§§_____§§§§§§§§§ §§§___§§§_____§§§ §§§§§§§§§_____§§§ §§§§§§________§§§
07-07-21 08:52:45
iklimaiklima ::: Favorites
KIRAT GELİYOR KIRAT!Anketörlere duyrulur hepsi işsiz kalacak seçimden sonra.Çünkü halkın anketlere şu anda %20 guveni varsa %1 bile kalmayacak sonuçları görünce...DP yi parayla, iktidar baskısıyla baraj altı gösterenler çok ağır ödeyecek bedelini:D:D:DGEÇMİŞ OLA ŞİMDİDEN
07-07-20 18:54:14
kayah19 ::: Favorites
arda mert git gereksiz vede yanlış yormunu başka yerde yap.olmuyor kardeşim böyle.
07-07-20 11:01:57
ardamert23 ::: Favorites
DPliler benim kardesim Ama bir gercek varki MHP ye Verilmeyen Her Oy AKP ye yarar barajdan dolayi Barzaniye Tek Bir Cevap Yeter §§§§_____§§§§_____§§§__§§§_____§§§§§§§§§ §§§§§___§§§§§_____§§§__§§§_____§§§___§§§ §§§_§§_§§_§§§_____§§§§§§§§_____§§§§§§§§§ §§§__§§§__§§§_____§§§§§§§§_____§§§ §§§_______§§§_____§§§__§§§_____§§§ §§§_______§§§_____§§§__§§§_____§§§
07-07-17 19:48:17
kayah19 ::: Favorites
23 temmuz sabahı gün seninle ağaracak AĞAR. İTÜLÜ GAKKOŞ&BAŞBAKAN MEHMET AĞAR
07-07-17 06:49:43
rizaiyeliboys ::: Favorites
ağar gelecek dertler bitecek başbakan ağar allahın izniyle
07-07-16 19:16:48
BiyografiTube ::: Favorites
BiyografiTube Sunucusundan izleyebilirsiniz
07-07-08 06:44:30
selinank ::: Favorites
helal sana
07-07-06 05:55:13
syeminli ::: Favorites
helal olsun karizmatik insan bence demokrat parti bu acizlijkten ülkeyi kurtarır oyum bu sefer demokrat partiye onlara güveniyorum
07-06-27 04:32:38
omardoan ::: Favorites
Adam gibi adam
07-06-25 19:05:13

Tero Pitkämäki Javelin hit Salim Sdiri from 80 meters

Duration: 00:44 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-13 19:13:04
User: XSI3D
:::: Favorites

Tero Pitkämäki

joosami85 ::: Favorites
salim on neekeri
07-08-24 16:48:15
Otsku92 ::: Favorites
Näyettiinkö tää muten suomen televisiossa??? Itse satuin olemaan tuolloin lomalla ulkomailla ja siellä kyllä näytettiin.
07-08-07 11:46:33
AfricaInMyHeart ::: Favorites
Näytettiin kyllä. Moneen kertaan...
07-08-08 13:38:39
Lampardi ::: Favorites
Ai saatana!
07-08-06 09:19:46
Powermario5000 ::: Favorites
Go Tero good at he hit some nigga Suomi rulettaa
07-08-05 14:23:40
sappyjohnson ::: Favorites
quick somebody blame Bush
07-08-04 21:19:43
Hayha1 ::: Favorites
Finnish barbar in Rome :)
07-08-04 04:26:22
yosriyunos ::: Favorites
Yes, I know the truth hurts and swearing doesn't make it better. Say whatever you like. I wont lower myself to your level.
07-08-01 12:24:02
marcuslager ::: Favorites
Not lower yourself??? Then up u go... go hang Yourself
07-08-01 13:32:11
yosriyunos ::: Favorites
yea right, see what some of you guys would say if you got hit by that javelin! why blaming Salim when the prick who didn't know how to throw the javelin is what's name.
07-08-01 09:15:42
marcuslager ::: Favorites
U Brits r a-holes! U ugly piece of shit, go fuk yourself
07-08-01 09:55:34
marcuslager ::: Favorites
can the Brits throw javelin ? 90 inches or what?
07-08-01 09:56:41
FinlanC ::: Favorites
Lol its Sadims fault! Why he was here? Coz he is noob :D
07-07-31 09:36:46
Suomi83 ::: Favorites
Hyvä Suomi. Salim is a stupid muslim.
07-07-31 07:54:41
Th3SMS ::: Favorites
Yeah, it's stupid that he threats Pitkämäki. It.. Was.. An.. ACCIDENT!!
07-07-30 15:30:40
Pub8D ::: Favorites
That Sdiri is now threatening Pitkämäki. How childish is that? Shut up already! Go see a shrink or something. Fall back..
07-07-27 09:59:08
Antirussia ::: Favorites
After salim accused Pitkämäki it showes that Salim is real asshole and should have died in that accident
07-07-27 07:11:29
gambolleruk ::: Favorites
Would that be as sore as a Lashley spear? ;-)
07-07-27 05:13:40
Heartbeat9 ::: Favorites
If you say so. I forgot how hurting people to death was funny. My mistake.
07-07-26 15:09:58
alias79 ::: Favorites
Sdiri is a whinig bastard :) Wont he shutup allready??
07-07-26 13:46:10

Football News (23/08/07)-ore 6:15

Duration: 06:17 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-23 00:45:12
User: tomasgaru
:::: Favorites

in italiano

Hayirsiz ogrenci ogretmenini bicakladi

Duration: 05:54 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-19 08:28:23
User: mentortr
:::: Favorites

Sanliurfa Ataturk lisesi muduru Mehmet Akbiyik'in hayirsiz ogrenci tarafindan bicaklanisi

Un due tre...stalla (Finale)-4

Duration: 10:45 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-05 07:12:06
User: tomasgaru
:::: Favorites

ultima serata

Real Talk With Cassidy Part 1: The Album B.A.R.S.

Duration: 10:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-16 12:43:04
User: RealTalkNYTV
:::: Favorites

Real Talk With Cassidy Part 1: The Album B.A.R.S. Interview/Edited by Joy Daily RealTalkNY by Nigel Degraff

GH2007 Famosos | Carlos y Diego hablan de Pablo

Duration: 02:05 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-26 16:41:31
:::: Favorites

gh5.digiloc.com.ar Semana Nº 6: Carlos y Diego no soportan el egocentrismo de Pablo y hablan de él.

Mahmut Kaplan www.sanliurfa.com

Duration: 10:51 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-02 07:29:14
User: mentortr
:::: Favorites

Milletvekili Mahmut Kaplan'ın konusmasi

Why I Can not trust Paul, in 10 brief minutes

Duration: 10:00 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-10 00:55:41
User: g0at
:::: Favorites

Just to name a few reasons I ... ME.. don't trust paul.. you do as you wish.

Kawamura2 ::: Favorites
oh wait, I know more proofs than that, but there are only 500 letters allowed heh
07-08-16 12:18:05
Kawamura2 ::: Favorites
Great video Goat, i am an ex Christian, but i always questioned the validity of Paul, for no other reason than (at the time) Christians quote Paul more than anyone else in the bible, it's like they are Paulian instead of Christian. Also, later on i discovered that Paul contradicted the Jesus he supposedly worshiped. If that isn't proof that the bible is full of shit, i don't know what is.
07-08-16 11:51:44
insipidgimp ::: Favorites
Ok. Good that you're continuing the push for free thought, BUT sometimes I think by dissecting all this bible trivia you only make it more real. Who fucking cares WHAT Paul did or didn't do? IT'S ALL BULLSHIT ANYWAY!! (And by "all" I mean religion and the God delusion.)
07-08-15 19:26:39
Kawamura2 ::: Favorites
dissecting the bible is the only way we will get to the truth of it's validity, and the only way people will ultimately see it is not valid, because when people actually see the truth pointed out, no it won't make them change their mind, but it might be a catalyst to casting doubt and making them think for themselves.
07-08-16 12:15:35
dankwilliams ::: Favorites
Really nice.
07-08-14 15:00:50
bobbyramsey ::: Favorites
But overall I thought it was a really good video and well-researched. I just "have an issue" with the approach, as I understand it.
07-08-07 15:18:04
bobbyramsey ::: Favorites
I imagine the Roman soldier whose child Jesus healed, as well as the Samaritan woman whom he gave living water to drink, ought to know that Jesus came only for the Jews...?
07-08-05 00:12:58
zbadguy ::: Favorites
doesnt mean he wont help people were talkin common sence here bob
07-08-07 11:38:03
bobbyramsey ::: Favorites
It would certainly help if the speaker was clear about what his goal or intent is. Is he earnestly concerned that Paul has changed something valuable about the message of Jesus? Or is he simply out to challenge the canon for its own sake?
07-08-07 12:05:31
bobbyramsey ::: Favorites
If you "have issues with Paul," you are usually a believer trying to apply what he says and running into trouble. To say you have "issues" with him, and then talk about Christianity like one of many possible faith systems, is disingenuous because you don't really have anything at stake now do you?
07-08-07 12:55:29
Kawamura2 ::: Favorites
bobby, what is wrong with challenging the cannon for it's own sake? haven't you ever been taught to challenge your own beliefs in issues? if you are Christian, probably not, because they don't want you to think, just obey. What is really wrong with Challenging the bible, whether you believe in it or not?
07-08-16 12:12:14
uziyahuidf ::: Favorites
Hmm, you say that the Evyonim should be given respect, but then I find that you are actually an atheist out to tear down all religion? A bit Machiavellian and insincere, your approach?
07-07-29 12:01:43
uziyahuidf ::: Favorites
Paul = Ravening Wolf of Benjamin Gen. 49:27 Matt. 7:15 Saul is the only name identified with Benjamin in the "New Testament". blueletterbible . org for doing quick searches on Hebrew and Greek words.
07-07-29 11:48:56
thehuncher ::: Favorites
Good video. You covered much in 10 min, but there is way more evidence againt Paul. Check out the new book coming out (Tate publishing) called "The Spirit of the Church". Jesus NEVER taught 'grace' nor having a personal relationship. One must be IN the KOH to be saved. (In the barn with the rest of the sheep)
07-07-23 13:09:06
darklove21 ::: Favorites
Wow, exactly 10 mins...I'm quite impressed (I LOVE your videos...btw (my comments show that xD) they really open my mind)
07-06-24 14:29:08
g0at ::: Favorites
and I love my subscribers! ;0
07-07-24 00:19:47
darklove21 ::: Favorites
haha, yeah for fangirls(/fanpeople) ! I mean....subscribers...yes...subscribers...
07-07-24 01:50:13
dhikrAllah ::: Favorites
Interesting video. This reminds me of a documentry on the history of the Bible called "Who wrote the Bible"...you can find it on google video (it's an honest look about Biblical history from a Christian perspective)
07-06-21 02:18:14
Arab7Playa ::: Favorites
awesome vid, by the way the apostle paul was not only a pedophile, but he was also a homosexual, because when he did circumsion on timothy in Acts 16:1-3, he sucked on the wound lol so he molested baby timothy and here is my source (A. N. Wilson, Paul The Mind Of The Apostle, (Pimlico, 1998), p. 128
07-06-08 18:24:16
uziyahuidf ::: Favorites
Ridiculous! There is nothing there to suggest that Paul actually performed the circumcision.
07-07-29 12:00:29

abdurrahman kizilay

Duration: 05:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-31 12:22:01
User: mentortr
:::: Favorites

abdurrahman kizilay fotogarafların çoğu nedim atilla'ya aittir.

turkmenluay ::: Favorites
AH KERKUK YANDIRDI BIZI HORYATLER ,kerkük türktür, türkündür, türk kalacak!...
07-08-18 18:44:33
venzetti8 ::: Favorites
Kerkuk Turkur Turk Kalacak! Baska Diyen Cehennemde Yanacak!
07-08-14 22:45:35
mjoraste01 ::: Favorites
Gözden akan yaşlara dur demek ne mümkün dinledikçe.
07-07-31 23:38:40
oolric ::: Favorites
arkadaşlar varsa abdurrahman hocamızın ay dolanaydı parçasınıda ekler misiniz.o parçasıda mükemmel bir parçadır. şimdiden teşekkür ederim.
07-07-29 04:49:10
esradacan ::: Favorites
kerkük türktür, türkündür, türk kalacak!... bugün olmazsa 50 sene sonra.
07-07-17 17:09:29
cengaver432 ::: Favorites
bu türkü güzel ağlamamak için kendimi zor tutuyorum her dinleyişimde her dinlediğimde türklere yapılan iğrenç oyunlar aklıma geliyorr.. herkese saygılarr..
07-06-07 14:55:49
hkaran ::: Favorites
bu türkü çok güzel paylaşım için sağol... sagır oda flimminde çalmıştı..
07-06-02 14:05:39
halilakman162 ::: Favorites
Awesome, It's awesome dude!!!
07-06-02 03:32:43
titmilitan44 ::: Favorites
eline sağlık çok güzel olmuş....
07-06-02 03:22:19

Haleplibahcedeki mozaiklere kimse sahip cikmadi

Duration: 10:46 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-27 02:14:01
User: mentortr
:::: Favorites

urfa da haleplibahce mozaiklerine kimse sahip cikmayinca kanalizasyon sulari basti

GH5 | Mariana y Andrea calientes

Duration: 01:23 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-21 04:43:13
:::: Favorites

gh5.digiloc.com.ar Semana Nº 2: Video clip de Mariana y Andrea bañándose y poniéndose crema.

neox21 ::: Favorites
Cual es el nombre de la cancion u sexi madefaker (8) jajajajaja
07-08-25 03:20:42
damian071589 ::: Favorites
la parto al medio a andrea!... esta re fuerte la mina!!... y la marianita no se queda atras ehh!!
07-08-21 21:00:41

Ajax-Inter final c.League 1972-part 5

Duration: 10:55 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-12 00:05:56
User: tomasgaru
:::: Favorites

italian football? Fuck you

Response to shawns " Proving god"

Duration: 05:03 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-04 16:36:25
User: g0at
:::: Favorites

I will post this as a response when I get home tonight, for now check out his video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEXGKzH0F9c

dankasaurus ::: Favorites
Excellent video! It's awesome to see someone thinking as clearly as you. Keep it up.
07-08-25 03:22:52
spillie11 ::: Favorites
Hello Mr. goat...I wish I could convey to you the reason you should believe in the "fairy tale,"...anyways, you were nice and mellow in your video, not being ugly, and that is so refreshing.
07-08-23 00:38:31
storefedelortenick ::: Favorites
Explore god?. Is that like asking him to use his imagination?
07-08-22 06:09:14
JimboJoy ::: Favorites
I dont how understand how that you can say that, you cant proove the existance of god, when ur athiest bretheren love "proving" that god doesnt exist. Also, leave the kid alone for christ sake.
07-08-18 11:18:54
Odd75057 ::: Favorites
Yes I understand that it is impossible to prove anything in science... so my question is... why use it as a reliable source to base what you believe on? idk if you believe in evolution or not but many athiests do
07-08-09 08:57:48
lostnhere ::: Favorites
I think theres one statement both people who believe in any Higher Power and Athiest can agree on. And that is: Just as there is the possibility of Mulitple Dimensions, there is a possibility of a God. Quantum Physics States ANYTHING Is Possible. Keep an Open Mind, Who ever you are.
07-08-09 08:48:52
jerrod7890 ::: Favorites
remeber atheist think we just die and have no existence after death. well say if an atheist was to lose his or her life tomorrow. and they havent found one fact about evolution. so they die only knowing another "mans" imagination and not facts. wouldnt that be sad?.....
07-08-08 19:02:40
storefedelortenick ::: Favorites
07-08-22 06:06:53
Abudais ::: Favorites
Great video! Wished there where more normal thinking people like you. VenomFangX really is a sad kid.
07-08-05 13:33:03
Sevensplaugue ::: Favorites
Im an athiest, and you made a great point. And BTW, he is ignorant. You can tell that, he doesnt want to accept anything else but what he belives and thats what makes him ignorant. Great video man.
07-08-04 03:11:24
djmuirhead ::: Favorites
Hey g0at Science certainly suggests that time started a finite time ago. The 2nd law of thermodynamics says : The amount of energy available for work in the universe is running out, or entropy. Thus we can logically conclude that the universe existed a finite amount of time because if it didn't all the energy available for work would have been used up.
07-07-31 21:50:03
GreenDragon23 ::: Favorites
djmuirhead, VenomFangX IS engaging in a false dilemma. He says: "either everything came from nothing (which is impossible), or something always existed and created us" There are other options that he is ignoring, THIS is why it is a false dilemma. He discounts the possibility that something always existed, but was not created nor did it create, etc. (C...)
07-08-02 12:27:08
GreenDragon23 ::: Favorites
BTW - science has not made any claim on the state of the universe before 1.0 x 10^-43 seconds after the big bang. Also, the universe, in its current state, would seem to be heading towards heat death, BUT it also could go through cycles (there are some interesting astrophysical hypothese on this idea). We do not have enough data at this time, and we may never have enough, to determine if the universe is truly heading for heat death OR if it is cyclic.
07-08-02 12:32:12
GreenDragon23 ::: Favorites
The universe may even act in a way different from the two basic hypotheses that I speak of. The simple fact of the matter is this: we simply don't have enough data yet to determine how exactly the universe functions (in terms of time, cycles, etc.)
07-08-02 12:34:40
djmuirhead ::: Favorites
Science also suggests that matter and time cannot exist without one another. For example if there is no matter at all what are we using to measure time? If there is no time how can matter exist- for as soon as something (matter) comes into existence it begins to act as a yard stick (measurer of time)
07-07-31 21:49:22
arrozador ::: Favorites
Where exactly did you find the claim that matter and time are dependent of each other? "If there is no time how can matter exist" Response: Why not? What properties of time negates the existence of matter and vice-versa. "or as soon as something (matter) comes into existence it begins to act as a yard stick (measurer of time)" Response: How does matter measure time? Time, matter, (and space) are independent variables.
07-08-10 05:14:27
SetFireToTheLand ::: Favorites
Where exactly did you find the claim that matter and time are dependent of each other? "If there is no time how can matter exist" Response: Why not? What properties of time negates the existence of matter and vice-versa. "or as soon as something (matter) comes into existence it begins to act as a yard stick (measurer of time)" Response: How does matter measure time? Time, matter, (and space) are independent variables.
07-08-10 05:18:15
SetFireToTheLand ::: Favorites
My mistake. If you plan to respond, please address this account. The other one is my brother's, and he does not like discussing science anyways.
07-08-10 05:18:58
djmuirhead ::: Favorites
Also your description of the things Shawn is saying as a false dillema is in accurate. A false dillema can only be described as such when a jump is made from statement A (all dogs are animals) to statement B (therefore all animals are dogs) without considering whether or not statement A discounts any other logical possibility except statement B.
07-07-31 21:48:54
djmuirhead ::: Favorites
So a logical fallacy would exist if the person stating the above points A and B were to say to himself: If all Dogs are animals then it must be true that all animals are Dogs because there is no other logical possibility that can occur.
07-07-31 21:48:20