Monday, January 14, 2008


Duration: 00:9 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-03-24 23:33:38
User: cky3k
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ah fuck!


lindersi ::: Favorites  2007-12-24 15:13:43

good atempt though!
damazingmitch ::: Favorites  2006-08-04 20:28:11

fuck u 4 wasting my time

Other Video Blog Entries

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Beşiktaş '' Erkek adam Renkli Takım Tutmaz ''
Story Of Kairi
skeleton games THE WALL


Incidenti auto Terribili - deadly car crash - horror

Duration: 03:07 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-12 18:27:20
User: moketto
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car  crash  auto  incidente  incidenti  death  horror  deadly  face  brutal  most  shocking  wreck  wrecked  


Ho realizzato questo filmato per sensibilizzare i giovani a guidare con prudenza! Sono stanco di vedere ragazzi della mia età nella pagina dei necrologi!


mattrunner ::: Favorites  2008-01-11 11:37:31

c lamentiamo degli incidenti e le case produttrici d veicoli sfornano motori sempre + potenti.... tutti in bicicletta o in treno!!!
spiaggio ::: Favorites  2008-01-11 08:52:52

si la maggior parte degli incidenti non in italia
RapperPazzo ::: Favorites  2008-01-11 03:07:27

santo sò kosa significaxkolpa di un ubriaco mi anno akkiappato dritto nel di dietro della mia bmw e mi anno fatto cappottare varie volte fino a quanto non sono finito in un fosso(impiando a gas)ma ringrazziando Dio come anno scritto nei giornali e detto nei telegiornali del piemonte ne sono uscito vivo e illeso non mi anno ne cucito e ne ossa mi sono rotto..(anke se ero pieno di lividi vetro e sangue)
davidemantellini7 ::: Favorites  2008-01-08 16:14:33

bravo pensi alla canzone???pensa a quello che succede sulle strade
MirkoZucchelli ::: Favorites  2008-01-08 15:18:51

come si chiama questa canzone??????risp per favore..
BOBM4RL3Y ::: Favorites  2007-12-31 11:26:55

bisognerebbe farlo vedere ai telegiornali al posto di quelle porcate di gossip... Purtroppo molti non capiscono che non solo mettono a rischio la propria vita,ma anche quella altrui,ci vuole coscienza...non si puo' dare la patente agli idioti
siremoto ::: Favorites  2007-12-31 09:54:45

dobbiamo tutti riflettere,e davvero inevitabile a nn andiamogli in contro a queste situazioni raga...ciao a tutti...
moketto ::: Favorites  2007-12-31 00:52:44

Mi fa piacere che il video sia capito e che permetta di riflettere, Se ognuno nel suo piccolo, facesse la sua particina non risolveremmo il problema radicalmente, ma di sicuro molte vite sarebbero risparmiate, e 20.000 invalidi permanenti a causa di incidenti avrebbero un esistenza molto piu dignitosa. Ringrazio tutti per i complimenti e al tempo stesso vi invito nel vostro piccolo a fare qualcosa per sensibilizzare la comunità che vi circonda. MoKeTTo
Gnappo25 ::: Favorites  2007-12-30 16:59:45

purtroppo la patente in italia viene data a cani e porci.... a volte conque capitano delle fatalità inevitabili..
puttone ::: Favorites  2007-12-29 20:47:13

questo video fa accapponare la pelle, non c'è limite alla stupidità del guidatore medio italiano (e non dalle immagini che vedo) la patente è come un porto d'armi, non si dovrebbe dare con tanta semplicità
DECIMOMERIDIO68 ::: Favorites  2007-12-29 16:40:06

Un video che lascia il segno. Impone una profonda riflessione su quanto a volte basta veramente poco per distruggere la propria vita, quella di chi ci vuole bene e soprattutto quelle di chi si trova per puro caso ad incrociare la morte provocata dai pirati della strada pazzi ed imprudenti. Complimenti Moketto, ottimo video.
quelse09 ::: Favorites  2007-12-28 19:26:23

complimenti....bellissimo videoclip....avrei voluto crearlo pure io....lavoro sulle ambulanze e mi capita spesso di vedere morti sulle strade a causa dell'alcool o la cosa peggiore e che sono giovani....complimenti!!!!!!!!!
sagrezza ::: Favorites  2007-12-25 11:58:43

Camion assassini! sorpassano in autostrada e uccidono la gente! Buuuh!
moketto ::: Favorites  2007-12-25 11:00:26

La realtà supera spesso l'immaginazione, Final destination sarà senz'altro un bel film, ma niente a che vedere con quello che succede giornalmente in strada....
nasold ::: Favorites  2007-12-24 14:30:17

nn posso kredere ke della gente muoia in questo stato...(sn scene alla final destination)

Other Video Blog Entries

Rebel Rebel - David Bowie - Guitar lesson
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Riz Khan - American Universities Go Global - 29 Nov 07
Mole Day Project
Mars MV
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Shiny Video Review: The Asus Eee PC 4G
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Re: Avril Lavigne - Keep Holding On (With Lyrics)
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Drinking: the elmo story
Niley(Nick & Miley)-Scary Love
Smallville Season Six Recap
Frontline Movies: Stalker


Prize announcement Liszt competition 1989

Duration: 00:32 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-10 18:27:33
User: indotje81
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Prize announcement of the Liszt competition in Vredenburg, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1989


MusicaAntiqua71 ::: Favorites  2007-06-11 00:14:20

That "Yankovic" must be Alexei Orlovetsky. Anyway it could be better if you didn't edit 2nd prize announcement. :-)
TheIshter ::: Favorites  2007-04-06 22:36:31

After playing Liszt's Reminiscences de don Juan, I think he deserves the price. Well done!
eddopianist ::: Favorites  2006-12-29 08:50:59

at that time wibi played the piano for just 8 years... and thats 17 years ago..
cziffra1980 ::: Favorites  2006-12-14 19:51:30

It's Sideshow Bob and Weird Al Yankovic.
pandamoei ::: Favorites  2006-12-11 16:20:13

Cool that pace won of wibi!!

Other Video Blog Entries

Last Chaos
Delta Heavy Teaser
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NBA-Where something happens
Cowboy Bebop by Marching Band
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Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer
Target Iran (8-9)
YouTube Poop: Froggo pwns mrSimon
Rescue Sasuke-Team Shikamaru
Naruto vs. DBZ.
Bring Me To Life ~Evanescence~
American Idol audition 2006 seattle
Guitars SUCK @ RMA


Lynksys Product Reveiw

Duration: 02:04 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-24 15:42:06
User: cjminokc
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Router  dozer  product  reveiw  funny  


This is how I feel about the lynksys wireless G Brodband Router.


jimbim121 ::: Favorites  2007-11-19 20:10:54

I think it works good. (ONE YOU GET THE DARN THING HOOKED UP AND FUNCTIONAL!!!!!) (which for me is taking FOREVER!
cjminokc ::: Favorites  2007-10-22 21:34:39

I agree, glad u enjoyed it.
jospow ::: Favorites  2007-10-22 21:33:07

Thanks for sending us your video. We wish we had a bulldozer. we only had a hammer and two 11 year olds to smash our linksys. Would be nice to drive that machine thru their lobby !!! jospow mrkpow
80amnesia ::: Favorites  2007-09-17 20:14:15

cjminokc ::: Favorites  2007-05-06 08:06:00

Yea, That thing really ticked me off. But I showed it whose boss.
kimchiman1000 ::: Favorites  2007-05-06 02:18:33

I love it! I was just sitting here thinking how cool it would be if you trashed it with a backhoe, and you went one better with a cat. I've done that twice with cell phones - very annoying when you don't intend to do it.
kklkopl ::: Favorites  2007-04-28 21:17:14

y didn't it work right? man i'm a geek i woulda loved to have that

Other Video Blog Entries

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Plant Vochestra live part 2
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ZZ Top "Dust My Broom" rare 1982 Live
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How to play Saria's Song
Dasey: Are you happy now?
MC hostages are forced to play a game - February 1, 2007.
Kewl people.
shut up and dance
Youtube pic
i was bored so i made this
Swim with the Jellyfish


Blake Lewis - She Will Be Loved 1

Duration: 03:02 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-04 17:24:27
User: kaciecuse
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blake  lewis  she  will  loved  american  idols  live  2007  


this is the american idols live in syrcause, ny, at the new york state fair at the moheagen sun grand stand holy shizz - this is sooo amazing! BLAKE LEWIS ROOOCKS! 9-2-07


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Smashing Pumpkins - 1979 (Moby's Dance Remix)
another mosh pit fight!
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Sarah Mclaughlin - In the Arms of an Angel
LOS JAIVAS "Mira Niñita" para F.D.M.x.L.N.
Re: New Camera! (Samsung SC-MX10) Capturing Excursion/BASS
Britney Spears - Piece of Me (Video Album Version)
Mireille Mathieu Waltz of Goodbye
Part 5 (of 6) Death of a Nation - Russia


This is what happens when I come home

Duration: 04:28 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-16 04:58:27
User: JillianDee
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jilian  dee  pink  bill  productions  silver  lake  michigan  julie  the  darkness  believe  thing  called  love  two  hot  girls  


me and the lil sis a spider crawled up my shirt that day...


69grig69 ::: Favorites  2007-07-20 00:17:53

absolute wit

Other Video Blog Entries

Re: Fiacolet Archives - Episode 01-04 - A Few Random Thoughts
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That Girl (Drama Queen) Lyrics Style
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R4DS: Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow
new civic type R 8300rpm rev
Gurkhas of Nepal Pt. 3
you´re beautiful (subtitulos)
GTA: San Andreas - The REAL myths
Nintendo World (Ep.8)
The Bum Bum Song
Battle Chamber hack
Kitten Gone Crazy
TAPE-MAN fake trailer
Zespół Uśmiech - Jarmark Świętokrzyski
Werrd TFL88 #1
Videocommercial Diesel
Pet Food Recall: URGENT!


FMA breaking the habit ^-^

Duration: 04:32 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-09-27 20:02:22
User: chokookolo
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Esta es una canción de Linkin park.


lanica89 ::: Favorites  2007-11-30 19:23:09

soo cool!

Other Video Blog Entries

Spaceland (0925072337a.3g2) for September 29, 2007, 08:38 PM
Street Fighter Victory II Episódio 09 (2º Parte)
Nick vs. Scott
Selfish Fairy Mirumo de Pon 1 part 1
Ultimate Naruto Fan Flash Remix
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Circular dancing
Cataclysmo: 15 - Forget Me Not
Itachi icon!
Suite Française
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City Water Pratfall
OGMan (La Chanson du Dimanche S01E15)
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The waynes bros. rap
300 Music Video-Citizen Soldiers
Digimon data squad epsiode 1part 1


Hey Good Lookin'

Duration: 03:22 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-02 20:45:08
User: noparties4me
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Hank  Williams  hey  Good  Lookin  Singing  Karaoke  


My first attempt at singing a full-length song. Please enjoy Hey Good Lookin' as sung by Hank Williams as sung by Me. I tried to be as annoying as possible for authenticity.


oldtexascountry ::: Favorites  2008-01-04 16:07:43

Man, you can Sing and that's with a capital S. 5 stars and thank you.
stevemercer1987 ::: Favorites  2007-06-20 18:05:11

well you are a goodball. you don't really need all the stupid actions. but you can sing. so i like it
Eightmilesintexas ::: Favorites  2007-06-12 14:28:02

It's me again as someone Still love this great cover.
turauegot ::: Favorites  2007-03-07 16:08:56

Yeah man. You rule!!! Do anuther one by popular demand! lol
ChlorineChugger ::: Favorites  2007-02-06 00:59:45

You couldn't be closer to the truth. haha This guy is pure fun.
BarnieGoogle ::: Favorites  2007-02-05 00:36:51

You're a goofball! :-) Thought I'd check out who you were and this is the first video I picked, so now my first impression of you is a great country singer, but quite a nerd. :-P

Other Video Blog Entries

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3rd part: Bipolar Disorder: sleepless. Pills and Ancestors
Sylvester Can't Sleep!
Priere a Notre-Dame (Prayer to Our Lady) by Leon Boellmann
Keep In Mind (2nd x) - poem by Sylvester
Fractals - Mandelbrot , Newton and Bach
Re: Wittgenstein, Jenna Jameson, and Morality (1 of 2)
Deltron 3030 - Positive Contact
A&E News (episode 2)
A Brief Rant About the First Doctor
The Terminator on Deal Or No Deal
My Tigger
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Teaser
5:35 am didjeridoo session
Youtube Poop- Spagetii Killed Luigi
Lipps, Inc. - Designer Music
bleach opening 7 with english subs
White & Nerdy (Slow Version)
When They're Evil!
The Land That Time Forgot


Hi, I'm New

Duration: 02:06 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-05 23:56:18
User: austinrhartman
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New  Austin  Hartman  Jeremy  Royce  Sarah  Kautz  teen  love  romance  tape  recorder  awkward  student  girl  boy  


The tale of an awkward boy who speaks to a tape recorder. He meets her, the girl who talks to him, the new student. shot in 2006. Directed & Written by: Austin R. Hartman Shot by: Jeremy Royce Starring: Austin R. Hartman & Sarah Kautz


ciccioponi ::: Favorites  2008-01-05 23:15:32

pencils2pens ::: Favorites  2007-11-03 17:03:36

hehe. i enjoyed this.
JusTMeJ92 ::: Favorites  2007-10-03 15:59:17

rayate ke era eso?
IMTHEJEN ::: Favorites  2007-09-28 16:45:29

Aw! That was so cute! I really enjoyed it. =]
misssarahb ::: Favorites  2007-09-28 14:22:20

aw, hehe! i love this one. it made me giggle.
chelzontherocks ::: Favorites  2007-09-28 07:59:08

i love this video! it's cute and simple
wildthinx ::: Favorites  2007-09-28 05:00:43

Well done and smart!
Afroboy151 ::: Favorites  2007-09-27 17:26:56

Wow! Two Sarah Kautz in a world full of 6 billion people! No, but really though, that IS odd.
SUPERBUGG842 ::: Favorites  2007-09-26 21:25:35

cute. and funny.
Aravadia ::: Favorites  2007-09-18 06:18:17

Funny! But isn't the music too loud? And shaking hands at the end is a bit banal. It's like they step out of their characters at that moment. What if she extends her hand, but he turns around, pretending not to see it? Or something.
boopy78 ::: Favorites  2007-08-22 01:14:22

I also am Sarah Kautz! WTF!
necrolich666 ::: Favorites  2007-05-11 21:56:24

If you do not copy and paste this onto 10 videos your mom will die in 4 hours... I hate these things
thrdscorpion ::: Favorites  2007-04-20 23:03:46

u shood make a second one. curious to know what happens next
onstot ::: Favorites  2007-02-12 18:17:45

This one is also great. You got me to laugh out loud.
iloveeels ::: Favorites  2007-02-08 02:20:39

I love the pigeon, well it's all great actually.

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