Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Gimme More (Music Video) - Britney Spears

Duration: 04:00 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-28 10:45:14
User: antonio2626
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Britney Spears Gimme More Music Video VMA 2007 New Single


Clarke215 ::: Favorites
i want the real one
07-10-15 12:22:28
maestoso47 ::: Favorites
Pretty much any video is better than the real one. I mean, even a blank scene would be better than watching Brit Brit go around a pole for 4 minutes.
07-10-15 02:09:52
KorinaAnders ::: Favorites
Is this supposed to be a fake?
07-10-15 00:17:54
iluvyas2 ::: Favorites
i totaly agree with u except for thye fact that she was good at this, she isn't really good at anything now, she never was good and never will be and thats her fault no1 should feel sorry for her at all
07-10-14 15:20:54
madmads123 ::: Favorites
i genrally dont like Brittany and I think she has kindda runed her career but i like they way she has pushed everything aside and made a single and that. Good on you Brit. I still wodnt by this but i would dance to it if it wass on in a night club :P <3<3 lol
07-10-14 00:44:31
heybaby12345678 ::: Favorites
britany sux
07-10-13 12:34:00
xixas15 ::: Favorites
maybe she'll be like marey carey and come back a renewed person...or else she'll just sink more and more XD
07-10-13 08:20:47
ziggittaouil ::: Favorites
she was nice :)
07-10-13 06:16:26
coolkidcoook ::: Favorites
i like this better than the real one. lol.
07-10-13 02:11:22
girliegirl101sela ::: Favorites
the begining is funny when the newz reporta is lyk "its britany, BITCH"
07-10-13 00:54:54

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