Monday, October 29, 2007

Genocide in Ukraine

Duration: 09:14 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-03 03:08:28
User: Jaquesman
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Vid about the Genocide in Ukraine I Did not Make this Video, Simply Posting it


HPHP2 ::: Favorites
haha. so now you've answered your question, you are dumb. я живу на Україні все своє життя. Так що йди і вдарся "башкой ап стену".
07-09-06 01:49:51
sovietstalingirl88 ::: Favorites
LOl, another American who belive everything sees on tv. HPHP2, why dont you live in ukranie.? If you "love" it so much or is it too poor for you.?
07-09-05 17:25:43
HPHP2 ::: Favorites
Soviet stalin girl, I don't understand, are you dumb or from russia? tell us. youtube community wanna know.
07-09-05 16:47:23
HPHP2 ::: Favorites
probably that's why. When I went to school in 90's they told us about this horror.
07-09-05 16:46:19
HPHP2 ::: Favorites
oh don't worry, a lot of people say that. It was the USSR, but it is just Ukraine )
07-09-05 16:45:42
Volyniak ::: Favorites
I´m 36 years old.
07-09-05 14:23:56
Jaquesman ::: Favorites
Fixed. I dont know why I call it THE Ukraine, but I always have. Ill do my best to stop.
07-09-05 10:02:36
HPHP2 ::: Favorites
they told us in Lutsk. How old are you, Volyniak?
07-09-05 03:18:51
HPHP2 ::: Favorites
dude, it's not THE Ukraine, it's just UKRAINE. But anyways, thanks for posting this!
07-09-05 02:58:04
sovietstalingirl88 ::: Favorites
What about the 11 million ukranians which are expolided in the west after 1991.?
07-09-02 18:38:53

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