Saturday, August 11, 2007

Technology and evolution

Duration: 313 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-08 23:07:28
User: IanCrossland
:::: Favorites

I see how they are related

Baskabirarzunusvarmi ::: Favorites
If they were lucky, yes than they are making webcams. I did appreciate your answer, you seem to have your heart in the right place.
07-03-11 11:56:19
Sammy0414 ::: Favorites
The Violence is because we americans are there.
07-03-11 12:36:18
boylebongo ::: Favorites
what? you're a moron. life isn't here to amuse you. some people need to communicate with others and have intellectual discussions, because that is what fuels the future. Why don't you just go sit on the couch and not matter? Stupid.
07-03-11 13:07:25
boylebongo ::: Favorites
Hm. I'm not sure if killing or not killing a cockroach matters. I think lower beings like that do not have an advanced consciousness like us and higher animals. Forms of consciousness have evolved just as physical bodies have evolved. I think there is a reason that we exist, we are a means to an end and we are getting close. Us, the mind.
07-03-11 13:08:42
o0UniqueJay0o ::: Favorites
I highly disagree with you when you talk about violence... Unless you live in a would know that there is a war going on in iraq and that china has weapons of mass destuction and people are dieing everyday from gang violence
07-03-11 23:57:35
acidhed66 ::: Favorites
this guy escaped from the future he is wanted for destroying it by plagueing mankind with stupidity
07-03-12 06:51:29
mf103 ::: Favorites
Shit - Read up on evolution!
07-03-20 20:56:49
ShadowHawk776 ::: Favorites
IanCrossland for president!!!
07-04-13 23:17:52
Zoeler ::: Favorites
how many time zones are in the Soviet Union
07-05-15 20:21:45
rosskstar ::: Favorites
you just described Matrix
07-07-22 11:36:05

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