Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Saudi Arabia Al-Ittihad 7:2(8:3)China Shandong Luneng

Duration: 02:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-15 09:34:11
User: Shenzhenfootball
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Saudi Arabia Al-Ittihad 7:2(8:3)China Shandong Luneng in 1/4 finals AFC Champions League 2005. 今天凌晨的比赛中,鲁能队在客场2:7的悬殊比分惨败于沙特的伊蒂哈德队脚下。这样他们也就以两回合总比分3:8无缘亚冠联赛半决赛。首回合山东鲁能主场与对手1:1战平


citispiritariel ::: Favorites
just to have all of u know that i don't care abt football at all so there's no point i viewed this video nor even commented. and it won't look sillier to talk rudely in Pinyin. when i get mad, i tend to talk in english. besides, andelong, u expressed ur thoughts really "politely". i guess u are not quite a gentleman type. so... whatever...
07-06-28 05:10:59
citispiritariel ::: Favorites
i'm sorry. i think someone else was/is using my ID with me together. i don't know who is that yet.anyway, who ever used mine pls inform me once u find ur consciousness. i'm sorry for what he/she has done under my name.
07-06-28 05:10:15
mohammedmc15 ::: Favorites
ittte what u know about that haa...u got no match
07-06-11 04:51:46
test1811 ::: Favorites
In fact, when we play with any Chinese team it's not my game, I know the result in advance,6/0 7/2 4/1 Even if the match in 北京 :>
07-05-30 00:29:21
citispiritariel ::: Favorites
07-05-06 04:01:06
andelong ::: Favorites
you are the fuking shabi
07-06-25 11:57:39
Shenzhenfootball ::: Favorites
Shandong luneng still like a P of S.
07-05-03 21:41:27
vlh4ever ::: Favorites
~so wot? shenzhen played even worse...and it was 3 years ago
07-04-25 23:08:45

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