Sunday, August 5, 2007

Gov. Romney on The Tonight Show - Highlights

Duration: 399 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-03 11:02:55
User: GovMittRomney
:::: Favorites

Highlights from Governor Mitt Romney's appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno

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TKOtonite ::: Favorites
My contact info is 1432 Highview Dr, Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino, CA 91737. ok enterprenosie. So when can I expect you?
07-08-03 07:31:23
TKOtonite ::: Favorites
when you showing up "Sarge" to kick my ass. i looked out sine but no enterprenosis. Are you just a flip flopper like Willard, I mean Mitt
07-08-03 07:46:57
TKOtonite ::: Favorites
when you showing up "Sarge" to kick my ass. i looked outside but no enterprenosis. Or are you just a flip flopper like Willard, I mean Mitt. Did you forget my address already? Here it is again: 1432 Highview Dr, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737. ok.
07-08-03 07:49:28
TKOtonite ::: Favorites
look at this phoney. he trys ro project Leno's critque bavk on Leno. Leno is onlt repeating what he heard.. Then the phony talks up cars knoeing Leno is into cars. this guy is Norman Bates
07-08-03 08:05:36
TKOtonite ::: Favorites
gonna kick my ass, enterpre-nogo? Come on you fanatical fuck. Yout a doer you said. so do something pussy! I am not concerned with cardboard man. I am talking to you enterprenosis
07-08-03 08:09:30
TKOtonite ::: Favorites
lets go 8 yr army man. hth combat training. Show the taxpayers what they got for their tax dollars. You got my address.
07-08-03 08:12:36
entreprenosis ::: Favorites
Article on Romney in National Review: h t t p: //w w w. washingtonpost. com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/08/02/AR2007080202024. html?hpid=opinionsbox1 "He possesses a winning public personality, enough personal wealth to ensure that he will be around when the voting starts and durable strength in Iowa and New Hampshire that could slingshot him to the nomination. As the author of an impressive oxymoron -- Republican governor of Massachusetts -- Romney stakes a strong claim to electability."
07-08-03 22:53:37
entrefagnosis ::: Favorites
General consensus of anyone with a brain in their head about Mitt Romney: He's a flip-flopping pandering whore. His views change depending upon which group of people whose votes he's trying to steal. A self righteous patriarch who's never had to struggle a day in his life, because he's always eaten caviar off the silver spoon he was born with. A freqeuent object of entreprenosis' masturbation lust! (And I have the dirty sheets to prove it!)
07-08-04 04:48:41
rob32909 ::: Favorites
ROMNEY IN 2008!!!
07-08-04 20:38:25
plc1 ::: Favorites
Romney is a salesman.
07-08-04 22:42:39

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